Event Overview

Research findings in education can provide valuable insights to underpin effective teaching practices.
However, research findings often remain inaccessible, difficult to interpret, or difficult to translate into practice for teachers. Debate continues in the Arabic practitioner and research community over the most appropriate approaches for teaching Arabic to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to connect and interact with people in authentic contexts. And while research has been conducted in this space, it mostly exists in the higher education sector, and with adult learners. Little research has been conducted in primary and secondary schools, where learners may have lower levels of proficiency and different motivational profiles.
The Oxford/QFI Forum was born out of an urgent need identified by a comprehensive scoping review of research available on teaching and learning Arabic conducted by the University of Oxford and supported by QFI.
This review analyzed over 700 studies and highlighted a significant research gap in Arabic education for primary and secondary learners. One key finding from the scoping review is that more research should focus on school-aged learners. We intend to bridge this gap at the Forum by facilitating direct dialogue among stakeholders.
Over the course of the two days, we aim to:

Make researchers and practitioners aware of the extent and nature of existing empirical research;
Consider the pedagogical implications for schools of existing research;
Set priorities for future research in and for schools;
Encourage and prepare teachers to conduct action-research in their classrooms, and researchers to conduct research in and for schools.
Forum Logistics

St Edmund Hall, Queen's Lane
Department of Education, University of Oxford
Ashmolean Museum